The Construction of Light

[ NSR ]
Friday, July 31, 2009

Good morn fine readers, I apologise for the lack of broadcasts on my behalf, as it is terribly difficult when your computer keeps blue screening if I run anything more hardware heavy than farmville.

No music today just perhaps some lyrics Thrak Style.


I'm on my time with everyone
I have very bad posture

Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally

I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm a liar and a thief
Sit and drink pennyroyal tea
I'm anemic royalty

I'm on warm milk and laxatives
Cherry-flavored antacids

Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

Well that was from the Nirvana Song "Pennyroyal Tea", it reall is an amazing song and I do recommened it, so there, we do have a music recommendation, yay. Continueing on that note, the song itself is roughly about the herb Pennyroyal, which is sometimes used to abort unwanted fetuses. Cobain himself said on the explanation of this song, "herbal abortive... it doesn't work, you hippie." Meaning or no meaning the song is still great and my recommendation still stands.

Well nothing much has been happening in the world since my last broadcast. Finally some pigs have Swine Flu, but now people are scared of them, or namely eating them. A few things have been going on at school with a few people, what with mis-interpretations and such, it's not particularly messy, but if you're tuning in, you most likely already know whats happening.

Well in world news to jump randomly from topic to topic:

-Australia's taken it's troops out of Iraq
- Some delinquents threw bleach on a lady after she asked for them to be quiet during a movie
- Mosque's have been bombed with 27 people killed in the bombings.

Well that's about everything that's interesting. Now just a lil bit of admin for the cbox primarily, Names would be preffered so if you actually make a valid comment or request for something to be reviewed we can credit you, and if the DJ's are having an epic fight, then please, just DJ's because we'll be able to tell if you arent myself Nathan or Telfer.

Ok that about wraps it up and once again I apologise for the lack of Broadcasts on my Behalf, I do hope Thrak has been entertaining you with his crazy antics

DJ Jwol Out

'But I don't want to go among mad people,'
'Oh, you can't help that,'.
'We're all mad here.'

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 2:57 PM   0 comments
Me again, retarded cretins. I've just got a really short review to give you, so no time for music.
Here they come
Here come the bastards
I heard it from a confidant -
Who heard it form a confidant
Theyre definitely on their way
Theres one with this idea
Something about a hammer head shark
Nosehairs and flatus
Best keep your distance because
Here they come here come the bastards
Bury your head deep in the sand
Anonymity is a virtue in this day and age
Amazing hand dexterity
Flagrant misuse of security
Better run, run, run, run, run
Run run run run, here they come.

OK, this is very important, so listen up.
I just had a packet of "sweet chilli and sour cream" Doritos, and here is my "astonishing" review.

firstly, when i opened the packet, there was no eye-searing smell, just some sort of dissapointingly flacid hint that chips might be inside. Luckily there were chips, kudos to Doritos. Ashamadely, they were all white and near-flavourless, they didn't really have any flavour, but they still had the tounge-burning qualities so all was not lost. I hoped that when i got to the bottom, there would be a treasure trove of flavouring and artificial colours, but alas there was none. So, this Doritos 'adventure' left me quite dissapointed, there was no substance and really, it felt like it was over too quickly...


Thrak out
posted by DJ Thrak @ 5:11 AM   1 comments
Evening, Scum.

Just to reassure you, this post will have nothing to do with music... except for this brief interlude
I want you to know
He's not coming back
Look into my eyes
I'm not coming back

So knives out
Catch the mouse
Don't look down
Shove it in your mouth

If you'd been a dog
They would've drowned you at birth

Look into my eyes
It's the only way you'll know I'm telling the truth

So knives out
Cook him up
Squash his head
Put him in the pot

I want you to know
He's not coming back
He's bloated and frozen
Still there's no point in letting it go to waste

So knives out
Catch the mouse
Squash his head
Put him in the pot

There, now no more music [hopefully].
well, i'm going to do one of those 'day in the life' things, the way Dr Manhatten would have done it, you know, like the one Jack did that had no real information or interesting content? Just like that.

i'm sitting here at 9:03. The TV next to me shows a rugby match, i can't hear the commentarty over my music and the neighbours party...

It's 6:50 AM i get woken up for school
It's 9:02 AM i check the time on my iPod and chnage the song
It's 7:30 AM it's too late to get driven to the station, i ask my dad for a lift
It's 7:00 AM i get woken up for school again
It's 9:06 PM I am still typing up this post, but am running out of memories
It's 9:15 AM i check my phone for the time
It's 7:04 AM i get woken up for school
It's 11:46 AM i check the time on my phone and turn down the music on my ipod
It's 7:12 AM i get up for school

well, that was fulfilling. Now that you can see what my day entails i hope that you can get a further understanding into who i am.

Thrak out
posted by DJ Thrak @ 3:58 AM   0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009

Good Morning gentle Listeners, the sun is shining and birds are a chirpin' so lets all enjoy our last day together.

And now for some music

Pet Semetary-The Ramones
Kryptonite-3 Doors Down
Citizen Erased-Muse
Sam's Town-The Killers

Well I enjoy those songs.

Well listeners, I do hope you've enjoyed these holidays as much as I have because sadly they've come to their grinding end, yes listeners like a train wreck that's flaming and having acid put on it, all good things must come to an end. It's not all bad though as this term marks the beggining of the end, as our exams start to loom, we start to see them clearer now, as the useless government crap that they truly are. I'm not saying this that you shouldn't take them seriously, because it's most likely a good idea that you would, but all I'm saying is that don't fully stress because unless you're leaving at the end of this year, they have little if any effect on you're life.

Well socially a lot of things are starting to settle down, but we still have a few mountains such as a friend of mine and a very bad issue she has and is trying to sort out at this point in time, I wont go into any details though, it's kinda private. And then theres another couple thats having a few "changing" issues, they have been together for quite some time so some speedbumps should be expected. But besides those, it's fairly smooth, a friend of mine is celebrating his 2 month with his current girlfriend and here at Office we wish him all the best. Well that wraps up this social update from me, perhaps the other DJ's know some more...

And now to wrap things up just a quick update on the mod, it's coming smoothly with only a few minor drawbacks on  my behalf, no effect on the others though. The main problem is Thrak's lack of an OS which makes it a tad difficult to run World Edit, but we're trying to fix that, Alex knows a guy, so perhaps we are saved, I'm a little unsure at this current point in time.

Well like all things, this blog has come to an end, Oh I almost forgot, I may be taking up my previous role of reviewing things and such, so as of NOW I'm opening up ye olde cbox for suggestions of things that I should review, but take in mind I do have other things to do, so books and games will be a long time coming. Well that's it for now farewell and don't get lost on the way home.

DJ Jwol Out.

The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 1:08 AM   0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
My thoughts exactly, but when there's so much to talk about and so little time i thought a post was in order so that you could waste another few minutes as the tides fluctuate and the moon slowly slips away from us (2cm a year!)

I have one small thing to bring forward in this post, Music. I'm going to put my ipod on Shuffle and put up the first 10 songs, hopefully giving you a greater understanding than any obscure metaphore could ever provide. For each song i'll provide name/artist (comment)
But before i do...
Talk, its only talk
Arguments, agreements, advice, answers,
Articulate announcements
Its only talk

Talk, its only talk
Babble, burble, banter, bicker bicker bicker
Brouhaha, boulderdash, ballyhoo
Its only talk
Back talk

Talk talk talk, its only talk
Comments, cliches, commentary, controversy
Chatter, chit-chat, chit-chat, chit-chat,
Conversation, contradiction, criticism
Its only talk
Cheap talk

Talk, talk, its only talk
Debates, discussions
These are words with a d this time
Dialogue, dualogue, diatribe,
Dissention, declamation
Double talk, double talk

Talk, talk, its all talk
Too much talk
Small talk
Talk that trash
Expressions, editorials, expugnations, exclamations, enfadulations
Its all talk
Elephant talk, elephant talk, elephant talk

Ok, here they are:

10 - Statues/Orchestral Manouevres In The Dark (so very 80's)

09 - Northwest Passage/Woody Herman (Classic Big Band)

08 - Hey Boy Hey Girl/The Chemical Brothers (Can't say no to the beats of the Chemical Brothers)

07 - Tuxedo Junction/Glenn Miller (More Big Band greatness)

06 - Don't Worry About The Government/Talking Heads (Fantastic 70's 'New Wave')

05 - She Had The World/Panic At The Disco (Musically brilliant)

04 - Poppa Joe/Sweet (Almost Glam Rock...)

03 - Bitches/Mindless Self Indulgence (these guys have done so much you must enjoy at least one song)

02 - Thela Hun Ginjeet/King Crimson (Very Very Experimental)

01 - Gut Feeling (Slap Your Mammy)/Devo (More 70's New wave)[Used as the water-racing song in Croc2]

Well, there's a nice list with little info, maybe pull up a new tab and google some of those, you might find something that works for you, until i think of another flimsy excuse to post, i'll be somewhere else.
Thrak Out
posted by DJ Thrak @ 10:23 PM   0 comments
I have returned again, mildly decomposed readers, this time to actually bring something within my category of news and world events, which are pretty much the same thing... but on with the news

actually, before that i'll play a little song
Standing on the beach
With a gun in my hand
Staring at the sea
Staring at the sand
Staring down the barrel
At the arab on the ground
I can see his open mouth
But I hear no sound

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm the stranger
Killing an arab

I can turn
And walk away
Or I can fire the gun
Staring at the sky
Staring at the sun
Whichever I chose
It amounts to the same
Absolutely nothing

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm the stranger
Killing an arab

I feel the steel butt jump
Smooth in my hand
Staring at the sea
Staring at the sand
Staring at myself
Reflected in the eyes
Of the dead man on the beach
The dead man on the beach

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm the stranger
Killing an arab


OK, now onto the news.
The Church of England has released a new book which is raising some controversy in the public. It is suggested in the book that bald, and/or overweight people should be treated as another class of special needs. isn't that dandy?
The book was released as part of an initiative to increase attendances and make churches seem more friendly. Headlines make it out like it's extreme, as they always do. But all the book does is recommend that overhead heaters be removed to increase comfort for bald people, and to install better seating of overweight attendees, there are other recommendations but those are pretty much just like the two i've given you, they're pretty much common sense and really don't involve any seperate treatment for attendees during service.

Now that i've done a main story, i'll just give you some snippets of interesting world news;
-first fast food restaurant opened in North Korea
-a 74 year old man was arrested in America for exposing himself by wearing a revealing min skirt
-In Devon, UK the council says that if swine flu worsens the old catacombs will be sued to store infected bodies, they're just begging for the zompocalypse.
-some kid got charged $23,148,855,308,184,500 on their visa for a train ticket. (computer error)
-one third of men between the 20 and 40 years old still live with their parents.
-this post has ended
posted by DJ Thrak @ 7:26 PM   0 comments
Rise and shine gently flatulent readers another day is upon us and we should not leave it waiting lest it escape us and we are left with only a lonely hour and an empty soul.(Because i'm deep like that)

Not really, i really had no intention of posting, but since i've got around 2, 3 minutes of down-time between Halo matches i decided i might at least do something productive between my boughts of beind destructive, we just can't be all take take take in this world, well you actually can but then you look like a complete douche. (Because i'm deep like that)(i'm also subtly hinting that you should put more feedback in the cbox[because i'm deep like that])

well, i've decided to come clean about my extra-large sized portion of music recomendations i gave you a short while back, unfortunately for you consumers, it was all artificially flavoured and coloured and none of those bands are real, all made up... Creating band names and sometime personas for them is just something i do in my spare time. But it's gotten to you so know i will thoughtfully copy-pasta the real section of my facebook music thingo. (Because i'm deep like that)

Bobby Darin
Glenn Miller
Woody Herman
Benny Goodman
Talking Heads
the Movers and the Shakers
King Crimson
The Ramones
Escape The Fate
Mindless Self Indulgence
The Red Paintings
The Cure
Late of the Pier
Daft Punk

Now those are all real, but as i was making this i thought of another band name

Nuclear Humour (pretty cool, eh?)

Well, that's my morning update, weather isn't looking good so far, so wear a jacket just in case, but i think the umbrella can be left at home.
Leaving the day for you to enjoy, until you consume again, this is DJ Thrak
The sirens are screaming and the fires are howling
Way down in the valley tonight
Theres a man in the shadows with a gun in his eye
And a blade shining oh so bright
Theres evil in the air and theres thunder in the sky
And a killers on the bloodshot streets
And down in the tunnel where the deadly are rising
Oh I swear I saw a young boy
Down in the gutter
He was starting to foam in the heat
Oh baby youre the only thing in this whole world
Thats pure and good and right
And wherever you are and wherever you go
Theres always gonna be some light
But I gotta get out
I gotta break it out now
Before the final crack of dawn
So we gotta make the most of our one night together
When its over you know
Well both be so alone

Like a bat out of hell
Ill be gone when the morning comes
When the night is over
Like a bat out of hell Ill be gone gone gone
Like a bat out of hell Ill be gone when the morning comes
When the day is done
And the sun goes down
And the moonlights shining through
Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven
Ill come crawling on back to you

Im gonna hit the highway like a battering ram
On a silver black phantom bike
When the metal is hot and the engine is hungry
And were all about to see the light
Nothing ever grows in this rotten old hole
And everything is stunted and lost
And nothing really rocks
And nothing really rolls
And nothings ever worth the cost
And I know that Im damned if I never get out
And maybe Im damned if I do
But with any other beat I got left in my heart
You know Id rather be damned with you
If I gotta be damned you know I wanna be damned
Dancing through the night with you
If I gotta be damned you know I wanna be damned
Gotta be damned you know I wanna be damned
If gotta be damned you know I wanna be damned
Dancing through the night
Dancing through the night
Dancing through the night with you

Oh baby youre the only thing in this whole world
Thats pure and good and right
And wherever you are and wherever you go
Theres always gonna be some light
But I gotta get out
I gotta break it out now
Before the final crack of dawn
So we gotta make the most of our one night together
When its over you know
Well both be so alone

Like a bat out of hell
Ill be gone when the morning comes
When the night is over
Like a bat out of hell Ill be gone
Like a bat out of hell Ill be gone when the morning comes
But when the day is done
And the sun goes down
And the moonlights shining through
Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven
Ill come crawling on back to you
Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven
Ill come crawling on back to you

I can see myself
Tearing up the road
Faster than any other boy has ever gone
And my skin is rough but my soul is ripe
And no ones gonna stop me now
I gotta make my escape
But I cant stop thinking of you
And I never see the sudden curve until its way too late
I never see the sudden curve until its way too late

Then Im dying on the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun
Torn and twisted at the foot of a burning bike
And I think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell
And the last thing I see is my heart
Still beating
Breaking out of my body
And flying away
Like a bat out of hell

Then Im dying at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun
Torn and twisted at the foot of a burning bike
And I think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell
And the last thing I see is my heart
Still beating
Still beating
Breaking out of my body and flying away
Like a bat out of hell
Like a bat out of hell
Like a bat out of hell
Like a bat out of hell
Like a bat out of hell
Like a bat out of hell
posted by DJ Thrak @ 7:29 AM   0 comments

Good Eve fine readers, I'm just here to pop some tunes into your head, so get comfy and settle down to sleep, because here they come.

Epitaph-King Crimson
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living-My Chemical Romance
Push Push, Lady Lightning-Bang Camero
The Factory-The Vines

Well there they are, they aren't that neccesary with the abolishment of the rules, but I still like to keep you listeners entertained with some music. And that just about wraps it up for this Midnight post Good Morning Listeners.

My heart is broke
But I have some glue
Help me inhale
And mend it with you
We'll float around
And hang out on clouds
Then we'll come down
And have a hangover

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 6:48 AM   0 comments
Thrak here for another badly-timed post for you morbidly obese, dirty little readers. This is another 'almost-useful' post and it's got some more information on us the bloggers.

...Well, it's less information and more pictures of us here hiding around in the ruins of Office...

Image Hosted by

My name is Dr. Worm.
Good morning. How are you? I'm Dr. Worm.
I'm interested in things.
I'm not a real doctor,
But I am a real worm;
I am an actual worm.
I live like a worm.
I like to play the drums.
I think I'm getting good,
But I can handle criticism.
I'll show you what I know,
And you can tell me if you think I'm getting better on the drums.
I'll leave the front un-locked 'cause I can't
Hear the doorbell
When I get into it I can't tell if you are
Watching me twirling the stick.
When I give the signal, my friend
Rabbi Vole will pay the solo
Some day somebody else besides me will
Call me by my stage name, they will
Call me Dr Worm.
Good Morning how are you, I'm Dr Worm
I'm interested in things.
I'm not a real doctor,
But I am a real worm;
I am an actual worm
I live like a worm.
I like to play the drums.
I think I'm getting good,
But I can handle criticism.
I'll show you what I know,
And you can tell me if you think I'm getting better on the drums.
I'm not a real doctor,
But they call me Dr. Worm.
posted by DJ Thrak @ 3:15 AM   0 comments

Well good fine evening listeners, the weather may be bleak but at least we're here to keep you company on these nights. So pull up a chair and get comfortable because I'm gonna be wrackin' your brains for a while now.

Well lets start things the usual way with some musical recommendations. And here they are.

Do Me A Favour-Arctic Monkeys
Creepin' Up the Backstairs-The Fratellis
This Fire-Franz Ferdinand

Well there we go, a bunch of bands and songs that I personally enjoy, I do hope you like some of them too.

So I hope you've grabbed that chair because I'm here and ready to roll. Just a few admin things first, the aformentioned rules have been abolished on the grounds that they were ridiculous, I know only request to the other DJ's that they recommend at least one song for each post, this could also be a movie or series of tv shows, in short just recommend something to the listeners.

Another reason that the rules were brought down was the subtle protesting of DJ Thrak who is quite a bit of a free spirit, thought that they were ridiculous. His exact words were, In relation to why I should bring them down:
"without them there would be more freedom, less stress and obligation to post, giving our minds greater freedoms to think freely and not be brought down with the thought that a post has to go up within 3 days
 and the punishments are weak and unnecesary
 they are also ridiculous
 so are the rules
 both are almost equally ridiculous"

Needless to say he thought they were ridiculous and in heinsight I agree with him. 

This may seem like a little soon to already dispell the rules, and that I go back on everything I said about rules, and to an extent I do, but we all must still follow general manners of life, in this, the ruins of office.  So now that the messiness that is Administration is over I can now get to broadcasting. So here we go.

Well I suppose I better properly introduce the people we have down here at Office, and seeing as they all have posted at least once I shall give you a bit more about them so onwards to knowledge we shall march.


DJ Trigon is a veteran from NSR and was the technology broadcaster, he brought us wonders from the world of the internet and lesser known items of interest. He occaisionally did broadcasts about how the technology has changed the world, these were often of a high standard. As NSR died he kept calm and composed as his transmitter failed he broadcasted "Remember Me" By "Josh Groben" a very fitting song for the moment and I applaud him for that. In relation to what he's doing here is he will be giving you updates on the mod, and other points of technological interest. His music tastes vary but includes such bands as The Lost Prophets and has been known to listen to the Veronicas. In short he's a very nice guy with some odd tendancies.


DJ Thrak, an all round man of mystery. he will be taking up the role as World Updater, and occaisonally giving us Social Updates. In his own words, he will "slamn my pickaxe into the genre of soft rock now and again" which are his own words by the way. He also enjoys many other bands which I probobly couldn't name even if I tried, but such bands as "King Crimson" and "Talking Heads" will become familiar if you tune into his broadcasts enough, he also enjoys a good bit of swing music such as the Glenn Miller band, I have to agree with him this stuff is gold in my opinion. Overall he's a nice guy with some way out there ideas on things and stuff.

[ DJ JWOL ] 

DJ Jwol, myself, is a veteran from NSR, he spoke out greatly in a protest against the fall, and didn't go down quietly. It sort of sums him up in a way, I very often enjoy chaos, but I also thrive in the presence of order. My music tastes are varied but lie mostly in the caverns of Hard Rock and experimental music. This being said I do enjoy a lot of Thrak's music and have been known to like Trigon's music. I'm open to most if not all musical suggestion. I have been known to be fired up about things. And I apologise in advance if I do something that annoys you.

Well there's the awkwardness that is aquainting yourselves with us over and done with. I now have a slight update on the mod, all those uninterested in this can stop listening for a bit and check out some of the songs i recommended. Well at the moment we have some concept art of humans, and model files of The Axiol (the organics) and the Karanth (the undead-ish) it all seems to be coming together rather nicely if I do say so myself, which i do.

Ok well that just about brings this broadcast to it's end so I must bid you farewell for now listeners and stay safe.

DJ Jwol Out


Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally
I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm a liar and a thief
Sit and drink pennyroyal tea
I'm anemic royalty

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 1:45 AM   0 comments
Yes, Thrak is here again, cloggin up your blogs with a constant stream of fatty, fatty posts. But you readers just can't resist, weaklings.

Usually i would post music recommendations before i start the post, but this time the musical recomendations are the post O.o.

The Muffin Club
Velociraptor Jones
Officially Hats

The Chambalambas
League of Adorable Gentlemen
Wallets and Morals
Instant Blue

Queen's Weeping Encore
The Badges
Dinosaurs Arrive

Purple Tank
Surface Forever
Charlie and the Pandas
Standardising Pants

Clown Filled Tornado
Faded Liars
Establish Diplomatic Connections

Hopefully this up-sized portion of band names should satisfy your hunger, and should also keep Rule 4 appeased for five more posts. That's gonna make posting a lot easier in the near future...
Thrak out
in the dream I fall into the sleepless sea
with a swell of panic and pain
my veins are aching for the distant reef
in the crush of emotional waves...

alright, get a hold of yourself
an' don't fight it, it's over your head
it's alright, the rumble in your ears
it's alright to feel a little fear
an' don't fight it, it's over your head
it's alright, you wake up in your bed...

silhouettes like shivering ancient feelings
they cover my foreign floors and walls
submarines are lurking in my foggy ceiling
they keep me sleepless at night...

hey, can you picture the sight
the figures on the beach in the searing night
and the roaring hurt of my silent fight...
can you pull me out
of this sleepless night
can you pull me out?...
posted by DJ Thrak @ 1:10 AM   0 comments
Greetings soiled readers, i have got another 'almost-a-post' idea and so i'm here to type it up and publish it before it slips through the cracks and flutters away into the void.

With an introduction like that you're probably expecting an interesting social commentary piece or something philosophical and deep, but instead i bring you t-shirts. Awesome.

but before awesome i must bring you 4 music recomndations again...

Don't Shoot (I'm a Man) - Devo
Watch us work it - Devo
Naive Melody - Talking Heads
Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads
(those are all perfectly legitimate musical recomendations, so that's rule 4 out of the way)

now, earler today i bought 2 plain white t-shirts in the hopes that i would be able to find some old special sheets of paper that would allow me to iron-on designs onto the shirts. i found them. So i know i have to get 2 designs together for the t-shirts, and that's why i'm typing, to get some feedback from you on my designs. The Cbox or commenting are appropriate forms of feedback.

Designs 1: 'Charlie and the Pandas'

old unused image from DT Project (originally for a t-shirt)

Design 2: 'Don't Shoot (I'm a man)'

Design 3: 'Planet Earth'

Devo inspired, Planet Earth lyrics in the background

Well, there's the t-shirt designs, only three right now, and those Devo ones were made as i typed, so the Cbox is open and comments are acceptable though out-of-the-way...

Well, i really could have done this post somewhere else. But a double post seemed nice.

Thrak out

She's a model and she's looking good
I'd like to take her home that's understood
She plays hard to get, she smiles from time to time
It only takes a camera to change her mind

She's going out tonight but drinking just champagne
And she has been checking nearly all the men
She's playing her game and you can hear them say
She is looking good, for beauty we will pay

She's posing for consumer products now and then
For every camera she gives the best she can
I saw her on the cover of a magazine
Now she's a big success, I want to meet her again

posted by DJ Thrak @ 12:14 AM   0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Good-day true people of the world, this is DJ Thrak, Starting up my series of posts in this collaborative blog which whole-faggedly rips off my brainchild NSR, bastards. But before i get posting i will have to give you 4, count them, 4 music recommendations;

Don't Shoot (I'm a Man) - Devo
Watch us work it - Devo
Naive Melody - Talking Heads
Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads
(those are all perfectly legitimate musical recomendations, so that's rule 4 out of the way)

Now onto said 'posting' of sorts, now first off i will set some opinions of mine down infront of you so you can see exactly what i'm doing here. Firstly, i do not support this blog as a copy of NSR. I do not support this blog taking elements from NSR and claiming them as it's own. I do not support this blog copying blog content and ideas from NSR or any other blog on the internet. I do support this blog moving towards originality, even if that seems a bloody long way away.

Unfortunately i have not been slotted into a blogging category, so until i think of something absurd that will get regular posts, or Jack gives me guidelines that i am willing to follow, don't expect much material coming from my way. (on this blog at least o.O)

So all i have that might relate to other posts on this blog, is work on Edge of Destruction, and the group working on it (formerly known as Dark Side Gaming, recently changed to Starless Gaming, it's less cliched and has a good visual link).

Basically what we are doing is taking Warcraft 3, changing textures, skins and some of the basic coding, and using the game engine to make a unique map playable on any up-to-date warcraft 3 game. hopefully.

My part in this whole chenanigans is designing two races, human and orc (though i am considering turning orcs into something else...). Humans are coming along well, but orcs are kind of a dead end, but if i continue sketching i'm sure to have a breakthrough.

Due to a lack of consistent communications between the team-members there have been some developments that have startled me, but i'll just have to adapt with the flow.

well, that's not much of a post, but with the end of this sentence i should have appealed rules 1,2,3 and 5...


Somewhere beyond the sea
somewhere waiting for me
my lover stands on golden sands
and watches the ships that go sailin

Somewhere beyond the sea
she's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
then straight to her arms
I'd go sailin'

It's far beyond the stars
it's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
my heart will lead me there soon

We'll meet beyond the shore
we'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
and never again I'll go sailin'

I know beyond a doubt
my heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet (I know we'll meet) beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
and never again I'll go sailin'
posted by DJ Thrak @ 1:11 AM   0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Ignorance - Paramore

If you only look at one of those btw, go for the last one. Think Dragonforce, but actually good, and Japanese.

Now to be honest that's quite an amazing feat. These guys virtually only exist in Japan, no exported CDs or anything.
Yet I can just put a link at the top of the page and you, and anyone else, can see them.
Does anyone else just stop and appreciate exactly what is is they're doing and what made it possible?
Yesterday I was collaborating with Jack on a Warcraft 3 Mod project tentatively named Edge of Destruction.
More on that later. And it was only made possible by the existence of MSN.

Sorry about the line-by-line formatting by the way, Blogger is screwing with me again.

Now I can show you a band that doesn't exist for all intents and purposes outside of Japan except by the wonder of the Internet.
Skype, as well, is a wonderful and useful communication tool. The Internet has to be one of the greatest but littlest-appreciated things in the modern world.

You're all dying to hear about Edge of Destruction, I can tell. Well, fine.
That is actually my job, both as Tech Blogger and Dark Side Gaming associate.
And Jack, Nathan, that is actually our name. Unless you can come up with an amazingly better one.
Because no-one is called that. Anywhere.

So Jack and I were talking a couple of days ago, and the shortened conversation went something like this:

Hey Telfer, you know you're always trying to make games? Try a Warcraft 3 mod first. Build a team.
Is Warcraft on OSX? Hey, look at that, it is. You sound interested?
If you're going to make another game, I'm in.
Who else, though?
Well, Nathan, obviously.
*excerpt ends*

You don't need to look at the rest of it. Suffice to say we don't really have another team member. For the time being.
If *you* (Uncle Sam picture here) are interested, reader, then contact me, Trigon, at, or by MSN at the same place.

So we decided to make a mod. I was actually in the city on my iPod at this point, so I wasn't much help. Jack came up with a list of ideas.
We chose a space-based game, where the theme was "space on the edge of destruction" and we're like OMG A NAME!
That's how that came about. Jack btw, if I get anything wrong or out of place, just chuck it back together. Same with you Nathan.

After a little more chitchat, we got around to races and design concepts. There are 4 races:
The Humans - Actual name
The Orcs - Actual name
The Organics - Working title
The Undead - Not actually undead so also working title

There is a single main building which you cannot recreate, your home planet. Upgrades to this planet allow the creation of mini-stations around it.
Mini-stations would be things like Weapon Laboratory, Manufacturing Centre, and these would provide upgrade researches.
Then you can build the big stations. These are massive, free-standing constructions which build almost all of your ships.
Main planets build only Cargo Ships (construction unit) and Scouts (guess what they are) and house a few small upgrades.
The first station, which for the humans is the Genesis Class, builds Fighters and Bombers, and houses upgrades for the same.
The second station builds and upgrades Escorts and Corvettes. This station and all subsequent stations can attack.
The third station builds and upgrades Gunships and Cruisers. This station and all subsequent stations generate Energy instead of simply being self-sufficient.
The fourth station builds and upgrades Carriers, Capital Ships and Sunships (Undead only). This station can build mini-stations.

Satellites generate Energy (Warcraft III: Food). Matter mines (on Neutral planets) generate Matter. Nebula Scoops (in Nebulae) generate Fuel.
These are the three main resources. Energy functions as a population cap.

There will be an Elite Classes upgrade in all stations, except for the Undead. You can only research one Elite Class, and it makes that station's output more effective.
Elite Class gives a 15% HP bonus. an armour level and attack power.
The Undead do not have this upgrade, instead they have a ship larger than any other, the Sunship.

DISCLAIMER: Not all of the available information on the mod is above. Most of it was created as I typed.
This information is subject to change at any time by any DSG member.
And, you ask, how much of this is actually in the game? A Total Conversion (what we're doing, it's not actually a mod when you edit EVERYTHING) has a crapload of hardcoding.
However, we have has some success. I currently have, in-game and working, attacking correct targets etc. an Undead Karanth Fighter and Voidsword Bomber. The HQ is currently a test object.
I have also applied two upgrades, Void Weapons and Shadow Armour. These work as designed, adding a total of 15% damage reduction, 100 HP, 25 damage and 100 range.
No models or art for the final game currently exists. I am not going to post screenshots until it does and the game looks like we want it to instead of ugly and retarded.

Well there goes an hour of my life. I'm going to implement these design ideas.

Trigon. Out.
You treat my just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go,
I'd best be on my way out
posted by DJ Trigon @ 2:21 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

---------------------------------------Message Start----------------------------------------------

Message Reads:
It get lonley here, down at the ruins of Office. So that is why I ask anyone who is interested to join me here. Together we can re-ignite the light, but in a different way, of remembering and learning from past mistakes. I merely ask that the rules be followed, and they are only to stop the horrors of the past coming back. Well I must leave you again for now. This is not a conventional broadcast and thus the rules do not apply, primarily the music recommendations. 


---------------------------------------Message End----------------------------------------------

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 11:33 PM   0 comments

Good Day listeners I hope it's fine where you are, because it's fine where I am..

Today I'll talk about a few things, some feedback to the feedback of last nights broadcast, some very important rules, and I'll throw in some more music that I hope you would enjoy. So here we go.

Just some songs that I've been liking or have liked recently that I thought I'd share with you

Love Will Tear us Apart-Joy Division
Don't Fear the Reaper-Blue Öyster Cult
Mary Jane-The Vines

Well they are a fine bundle of songs. Now just a word on that, even though my listeners are a small bunch, they're music tastes vary a fair amount so I try to please everyone, the cbox is a place where you can offer suggestions to songs I should listen to. I am always open for suggestions.

Now onto more slightly more important matters, The Rules. These are the rules that I will keep when broadcasting, if I fail to keep one of these rules and do not realise, don't hesitate to tell me about it. Now, as many of you know, I'm not a huge fan of rules, but I've come to realise that they keep a sence of order and balance, not to be inconvinient for you, but so you don't be inconvinient for others. I am not saying all rules are good, I'm merely saying generally they are for the best. So without further ado here are The Rules.







Well there they are, possibly the agents of my demise, or my saving graces. It will all depend on whether I follow them. You know, I figured that NSR fell because people stopped following the un-written rules. "But if they are un-written, then how could the DJ's be made to follow them?", you may be thinking, well the fact is, we all knew the rules, yet often we skirted over the lines, I myself am guilty of this and it often resulted in a poor broadcast or negative feedback on the cbox. We didn't learn until it was too late, so think of this as "turning over a new leaf" righting the wrongs of past mistakes and moving forward. 

Well that just about wraps it up for me today, and I remind any remaining DJ's from NSR that they are welcome to join me at any time, and that they can come and go as they wish. So once again I end the broadcast in the usual way, with some lyrics.

DJ Jwol Out

In every headline we are reminded
That this is not home for us
Where is it?
Where is home?...

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 8:55 PM   0 comments

G--d Ev- F-n- R-a-ers---- 

H-re I -m, DJ J--l a--er t-e fa-l of N-R, al--e in th-s hid--ut. I -are --t w-is-er it's --ereab--ts, t-e fo--es at -e co--d be li--eni-g.
B-fore I s-art I se-d t-is me-s-ge out -o any -emai-ing -J's


Sorry about that static, the transmitter should be running smoothly now..So tonight I'm gonna show you a few clips from some new bands, a social update of the happenings between the fall of NSR and now, and then perhaps a short piece on the state of the world at the present time.
Well the songs I give you most likely won't be "new" as I said earlier, but they are good songs nonetheless

Icky Thump-The White Stripes
Paranoid Android-Radiohead
Dig Me-King Crimson
Broken-Seether ft. Amy Lee

Well there is some songs I hope you would like at least one of them, if not, I'm sorry for that.

Now lets get rollin' to these social updates, and to be honest there isn't as much as one could hope for from 2 weeks of nothing, oh well I'll tell you what's happened anyway.

A good friend of mine who's relationship has been on the rocks numerous times has pulled through and now the couple are tighter and their 2 month aniversary is coming up this monday, I (and hopefully you) wish them all the best.

Another good friend of mine has had his girlfriend leave to other places over the last weeks and they have had little to no contact whatsoever during this period. A lot of people are a bit skeptical about this relationship and often ask questions. All I can say is that if they are happy then who are we to comment badly about them.

Yet another good friend of mine has had a girl that has liked him, stop liking him. He doesn't seem to have changed at all, although at one point he did consider perhaps asking her out. There has been no evidence that he is sorry or sad about the way things have panned out between him and her.

And to Global News now, the threat of swine flu has started to take it's toll, with 987 dead with up to 300 of them in the United States alone, there are also up to 150,000 people suspected with the virus. Schools around Australia have been closed down infrequently every time a new suspected infected comes to light. Governments around the globe have been talking a lot but little action has been made with the PM of Australia telling us all to be careful and wash hands more often, words of wisdom. In othe Global News the Dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-il is dying from terminal cancer. A few people have started to believe that he would like to take the rest of the world with him when he dies and are perhaps even fearful for when that day comes. I although remain hopeful that nothing comes to pass when he passes away.

Well that just about wraps it up for me for now. I've said all I wanted to say with this broadcast. Feedback through the "Cbox" I set up here, would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just I enjoyed this. I'll end this enjoyable post the usual way but leaving you with lyrics

Enjoy, DJ Jwol Out

You wanted a world you could figure out
But something happened while you were asleep
You wanted a good life you could brag about
Too bad they took the parts you wanted to keep.....

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 1:32 AM   0 comments
Name: Jack W (Kinroth)
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