The Construction of Light

[ NSR ]
Monday, July 27, 2009

Good Morning gentle Listeners, the sun is shining and birds are a chirpin' so lets all enjoy our last day together.

And now for some music

Pet Semetary-The Ramones
Kryptonite-3 Doors Down
Citizen Erased-Muse
Sam's Town-The Killers

Well I enjoy those songs.

Well listeners, I do hope you've enjoyed these holidays as much as I have because sadly they've come to their grinding end, yes listeners like a train wreck that's flaming and having acid put on it, all good things must come to an end. It's not all bad though as this term marks the beggining of the end, as our exams start to loom, we start to see them clearer now, as the useless government crap that they truly are. I'm not saying this that you shouldn't take them seriously, because it's most likely a good idea that you would, but all I'm saying is that don't fully stress because unless you're leaving at the end of this year, they have little if any effect on you're life.

Well socially a lot of things are starting to settle down, but we still have a few mountains such as a friend of mine and a very bad issue she has and is trying to sort out at this point in time, I wont go into any details though, it's kinda private. And then theres another couple thats having a few "changing" issues, they have been together for quite some time so some speedbumps should be expected. But besides those, it's fairly smooth, a friend of mine is celebrating his 2 month with his current girlfriend and here at Office we wish him all the best. Well that wraps up this social update from me, perhaps the other DJ's know some more...

And now to wrap things up just a quick update on the mod, it's coming smoothly with only a few minor drawbacks on  my behalf, no effect on the others though. The main problem is Thrak's lack of an OS which makes it a tad difficult to run World Edit, but we're trying to fix that, Alex knows a guy, so perhaps we are saved, I'm a little unsure at this current point in time.

Well like all things, this blog has come to an end, Oh I almost forgot, I may be taking up my previous role of reviewing things and such, so as of NOW I'm opening up ye olde cbox for suggestions of things that I should review, but take in mind I do have other things to do, so books and games will be a long time coming. Well that's it for now farewell and don't get lost on the way home.

DJ Jwol Out.

The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away

posted by Jack W (Kinroth) @ 1:08 AM  

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