The Construction of Light

[ NSR ]
Sunday, August 2, 2009
goodmorrow, constantly repulsive readers. i am here to put forward a bit of an idea towards you, and to the other blogger/s on this so-called blog.

And now for some music, THRAK style...


you gotta love those instrumentals. (see what i did there? i kept on doing my old thing, even though Jack has ripped it off, but i still managed to keep some originality by not actually putting in any lyrics. I'm just that amazing)

Anyways, this idea, is more of a thought, even though they are pretty much the exact same thing, but what i'm about to say fits more into the thought category. trust me, you'll understand once you've read it.

well, as most of you should know, this blog is called 'The Construction of Light', based of a King Crimson song i recommended to Jack, for it's coolness and also the fact that this blog was going to be an attempted revival at NSR, which Jack had seemed to enjoy referring to as 'the light'. Unfortunately, there has been little construction done here, the first few posts were just direct re-writes of my original posts on NSR, and from there on in this has gone downhill, i mean, i get given the task of writing on world happenings and such, i develop my own post layout, and when i have that all set out and the blog looks like it might actually go somewhere my hopes get brutally dashed upon the rocky shore when Jack put up his 6th post [ KBACK ]. That was a real punch to the nuts for blogging. Like, seriously Jack? What the hell did you think you were doing? you took my blogging layout, you took my posting subject, WTF.

Though i do have to give you credit on at least giving a nod to your self-chosen subject of social updates.
'A few things have been going on at school with a few people, what with mis-interpretations and such, it's not particularly messy, but if you're tuning in, you most likely already know whats happening.'
...just wow. Absolutely nothing was said there. Like, no names, no brief description of the situation/s. A useless paragraph if there ever was one, you just say that something is happening, yay. What has blogging come to?

And then after that you do my world news fact thing, no smooth change of topic there. Then you voice my concerns about the Cbox, which i had already put up in the Cbox... You give a quick mention of me then you sneak off into the night, leaving me dissapointed and angered.
Normally i just let this stuff go, but i've decided to take action, primarily with this non-post. And secondarily with my departure from this blog, it saddens me to do it but the final straw has come into being. Unless something amazing happens, i predict this may be the beginning of another end.

Thrak out

I was born in this museum
spiderwebs all over the ceiling
i was born without feelings
people watching can be revealing

dinosaurs didn't start the war
didn't know what they were fighting for

two dead [two dead]
two die [two die]
goodbye [goodbye]
blue eyes

not me, not i
too drunk
to drive

you want money, it's buried under the lawn
talk to Murray, he's the guy that you wan't

o darlin', everyone knows
because secret's don't go untold

and i heard it [and he heard it]
and i heard it
through the telephone

i was thrown into the light
pinned to be the human sacrifice
i was thrown into this room
information, population boom

didn't know [didn't know]
at the time [at the time]
tear drops [tear drops]
in her eyes [in her eyes]
i thought [i thought]
why not? [why not?]

i bought [i bought]
a lot [a lot]

o darlin', everyone knows
because secrets don't go untold

and i heard it [and he heard it]
and i heard it
through the telephone
posted by DJ Thrak @ 12:22 AM  

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